Monday, May 27, 2013


I love movies.  Well, not all movies.  I’m a fan of action, sci-fi, Pixar, the very occasional comedy, romantic comedy, romantic drama, or drama.  As a rule I don’t see horror movies.  For kid’s movies, it depends on the studio.  And I won’t watch R rated flicks, at least not in the theater where I can’t skip scenes.  So yes, I love movies, but there are a lot of qualifiers in there, too.

I also enjoy writing.  I’m really out of practice, though.  It’s been a few years since I did any “serious” writing, and even longer than that since I did any on a regular basis.  But I want to start in on writing again.  I want to write something that I enjoy, but something that’s also somewhat regular, but not really long.

A few weeks ago my brother issued me an “assignment.”  He told me to write an essay about “Iron Man 3.”  I needed an introduction, a thesis, a body with at least one credible (non Wikipedia) reference, and a conclusion.  According to him, there were others (at least two more) who had received this same assignment.  He declined to tell me who they were, but we would be competing against each other.  There was a prize as well as a “freelance” writing position for the winner.  I won, but I still don’t believe that I was really competing against anyone.  My brother fibs on occasion.

Writing that essay was really enjoyable for me.  And it got me thinking, why not start a movie review blog?  So I’m going to attempt to do that.

A couple of warnings.  This is probably going to be a seasonal thing.  The movies I tend to like come out May through June and November and December.  I’m also not going to make much effort to leave out spoilers.  Maybe if I get better at doing this I’ll make more effort, but at least at the start, there will be spoilers.  So if you’re sensitive to that, I’ve given you fair notice.

Also, I’m not a real movie critic.  There are a lot of times when I don’t agree with the critics.  I don’t go to movies as my job.  I don’t analyze the acting, the directing, and sometimes even the story (unless there are huge gaping holes, or there’s really bad science and the movie is taking itself seriously, etc.)  I have a pretty high suspension of disbelief threshold.  I can be reeled in with spectacular special effects.  I can also be reeled in by Robert Downey, Jr., Will Smith, Hugh Jackman, and Tom Cruise, along with a few up-and-comers.  And I’m a sucker for comic book movies—super heroes especially.

So if, after this introduction, you’re still interested, I you are welcome to read this blog.  You’re welcome to disagree with my reviews, but my skin isn’t all that thick—so don’t tell me if you hate them!  ;)


  1. I'm ready for that Iron Man 3 essay! Very excited for you Cris. ~Kadie

  2. I'm excited to follow your blog, and Jared will be even more excited!! You have a great gift for writing. You do it it so well!
